Fighting Against COVID-19 Is Simpler than You Think- Just Practice Self-discipline

Apparently, winning over COVID-19 seems like a ‘mission impossible’, but in reality, it is way simpler than you think.

Be a hero of this pandemic, save lives!

If you are young and healthy there is a piece of good and bad news for you.

Good news: As per the statistics and medical experts, younger and healthy souls are observed to be least infected by a novel coronavirus.

Bad news: Youngers share a great percentage in acting as a strong carrier for the virus and are responsible for the outbreak.

Although your immunity is able to fight and defeat COVID-19; but, in the same time span, you also unknowingly expose the infection to the kids, aged and unwell people around you.

The spine-chilling truth is that you can outburst the virus even before you know it. In some cases, it becomes too late for the virus to reflect signs, once you are infected. Though you eventually defeat the virus but unwillingly spread the same to locations and spots you have passed and touched in the span in-between you are detected positive and kept in isolation.

A Look Back in the Time…

What we are facing now inevitably prompts us to make a comparison with the last pandemic that brought humanity to its knee- the 1918’s Spanish flu! The outburst killed more than 30 million people worldwide.

In those days, the people were not equipped with the advanced technology and knowledge sharing platforms like today, thus, it took them a lot of time to understand what they were fighting against, but by then, the virus had held a strong grip and the sequential damage happened.

Unlike today,

When China announced its first death due to the pandemic on January 11, 2020, the world knew what was coming for them. The WHO (World Health Organisation) has announced the pandemic and swiftly delivered the instructions and guidelines amid COVID-19. Countries like Japan and South Korea, who took the warning seriously, managed to pass through the high tide, but those who took the actions too late, unfortunately, sank.

Health Centres would not be able to hold if hundreds of ailing souls showing up at once.

Imagine every single aged, sick, seriously injured and infected person in the country visits the hospital at the same time. Whom would the doctor attend first? Even worse, what if the doctors, who are the only guarding shield from this epidemic, also get sick or infected – clearly, some of them would not be able to attend the patients.

With more than 7 lacs active cases and 34,000 deaths by April 18, 2020; if strict actions are not taken and the situation is not handled effectively, this is what could happen in America, in a few days from now. Currently, Italy is living the same nightmare, with the highest record of 900 deaths in a day. ALARMING!!!

The Bitter Truth…

No matter how advanced our country’s medical services are, it cannot accommodate us all at once. If we did not take the prescribed measures & precautions to keep the count of sick people below the health care capacity of our country, we all could witness the same nightmare and many of our loved ones would seek intensive medical care or would die.

Hospitals would be flooded with patients and over-burdened our medical staff at the same time. It would not only be worse for the infected patients whose lives would be a massive risk, but also the people who are hospitalized due to serious injury or any organ failure. This situation could literally make it impossible for our medical care system to help us all.

BUT… you can make the difference! ‘Slowing down is a power move’ to do so.

It’s a simple proportional formula- ‘The slower the virus spreads, the faster the doctors can save lives’. Volunteer as a part of saviour troop and become a hero by following and endorsing the following simple rules:

Stay Home:

For the time being, say NO to social gatherings and celebrations, engage in family activities, and prefer work from home. At this point, nothing is more precious than guarding yours’ and your loved one’s lives.

Use Good Hygiene:

Wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth whenever you sneeze or cough. This is not only to defeat the pandemic but the latter is also considered as a good practice in regular days as well.

There is nothing new to tell here which you don’t know, it’s just now you have to follow these measures sincerely to fight the epidemic.

These Actions Really Do Work!

Japan and South Korea have managed to turn the tide and become the shining ray of hope for others. The following countries managed to contain the spread of virus early on. And they are able to do it because they listened to their higher authorities, sincerely followed their advice instructions and practice self-discipline. At present, they are beating the spread and heading towards normalcy. On the contrary, Italy started too late and lost the battle against the epidemic in a very short span.

Looking at the current situation, you are not open to making personal choices because if you suffer, the hundreds around you would also. To save lives, for the nonce

· Stay home
· Practice social distancing; saves the lives by living apart
· Avoid going out
· Prefer technology for business meetings and conferences
· Wear marks whenever you go out
· Wash your hands frequently
· Avoid contacting your eyes, mouth, and nose
· Prefer work from home
· Practice healthy routine
· Follow a healthy diet
· Engage in some physical exercise
· Spent quality time for your family
· Care for yourself and the ones around you.

& share this article with those who need more convincing in playing a hero to fight the novel coronavirus.

Let’s fight together and revive ourselves from the global crisis.

Helping Hand Campaign to Revive the Hospitality Industry against COVID-19… Know more